5g empowerment, operators serve more than communications.


If one day, when you walk into the business hall of the operator, the service personnel can know who you are through face recognition and provide targeted services immediately, you can even directly ask the intelligent robot in the business hall about the package features and handling methods, is it time-saving and labor-saving? Nowadays, operators realize the application of artificial intelligence through the layout of 5g wireless communication technology, bringing this scene into reality.

5G + VR, bringing a new experience

at the National Conference on Industry and Information Technology held in December 28, 2020, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xiao Yaqing said that 2021 will promote the construction and application of 5g network in an orderly manner, speed up 5g coverage in major cities, and promote co-construction and sharing, more than 600,000 new 5g base stations will be built.

Operators are rich in data resources. How to make real use of these data through 5g technology is the direction for operators to explore. During the epidemic prevention period, major scenic spots across the country launched "cloud visit" and "cloud tourism" with the help of 5G + VR technology to meet people's travel needs without queuing or getting together. Various application scenarios under the "5G + VR combination" bring people a brand-new life experience.

Based on the high-quality 5G network, Yunnan Dounan Flower Town has built a series of 5G applications including 5G + VR flower fields, 5G + AR guided tours, 5G + unmanned aerial vehicle cruise, etc. Among them, "VR flower field" adopts panoramic live broadcast and virtual reality technology to enable tourists to experience the real beauty of flower field and enjoy the fun of planting flowers and harvesting. "Through the 360 ° camera, we capture and splice the real scene in the three-way huatian greenhouse, push the flow to the VR helmet, and view the real-time panorama of the huatian greenhouse through the helmet, it is possible for tourists to watch the flower fields remotely, understand the situation of flower planting, and provide more choices for citizens to visit." Introduced by Dong Shujiao, Kunming Branch of China Mobile Yunnan Company.

January 13, the isolation point of Huangzhuang Apartment, known as Shijiazhuang "Huoshenshan Hospital", was fully started in Zhengding, Shijiazhuang. CCTV News, CCTV Frequency, Learning Power, State-owned Xiaoxin, China Mobile (Douyin, Kuaishou) such as 13 live broadcast platforms to the whole society to build live live broadcast, through 5g successfully completed the live network communication guarantee and high-definition live broadcast tasks.

Experts believe that 5g live broadcast application is a very good turning point for operators. On the one hand, live delivery can strengthen the promotion of corporate brands. For example, the CEO with goods and short video marketing initiated by the three major operators are new means to promote brand marketing. On the other hand, change the traditional operation and marketing mode through live delivery, and speed up the digital road of physical stores. At present, the traditional business hall of operators is difficult to expand customers, and live delivery and short video give the opportunity. Building an online and offline two-way operation model is a new direction for operators to transform digital marketing in the future.

Intelligent Transformation to Reduce Production Cost

in the field of artificial intelligence, operators are not only important participants, but also play multiple roles. Based on the advantages of "cloud, management, end" and big data applications, operators are at the forefront of information networks and pan-connections; With the help of capabilities and experience in information applications and big data, operators can use their technological and resource advantages to participate in 5g research and development. For example, China Mobile Research Institute 2018 set up a "artificial intelligence and intelligent operation research and development center" to speed up the construction of key technology platforms and capabilities of artificial intelligence for intelligent operation and intelligent services.

Zhoushan Port is the world's largest port, and 5g technology was first introduced into the production system. Take the tire crane operation as an example, great changes have taken place in Zhoushan Port at present: in the past, crane operators had to climb to the 30 m high ceiling cab to work, requiring drivers to be under 40 years old; Now 5g remote operation has become the norm, the driver can complete the remote control of the tire crane through the monitoring screen and operating handle in a remote and comfortable office environment. Employees over 40 years old are fully competent for remote operation.

How to use 5g technology to reduce production and operation costs has become the focus of various industries. Valin Xianggang's 5G smart steel project uses the "5G + smart crown block" solution to operate the steel-making crown block in real time on the remote control chair for unloading, lifting, troughing, cooperate with maintenance and other operations. 5g makes remote control accurate and efficient. It is reported that remote semi-automated operation can save 23% labor costs, while remote monitoring, one-key start-up and autonomous operation can save 20% labor.

Shan Zhiguang, director of the Information and Industrial Development Department of the National Information Center, believes that 5g, as an infrastructure, is the base of the digital economy and the underlying facility for building a digital power, it is moderately advanced in industry applications and industrial chains, and applications and industries must evolve with the evolution of facilities and continuously improve the industrial ecology. Operators should work together and explore together to make the application of 5g in the industrial field better and better, and the prospect is wider and wider.

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